
Announcement - Bathroom Village Half Marathon For BBC Children In Need

Announcement - Bathroom Village Half Marathon For BBC Children In Need
Announcement - Bathroom Village Half Marathon For BBC Children In Need

Join us in supporting a noble cause as Bathroom Village Managing Director, Paul Mason, takes on the challenge of running a half marathon on November 13th, 2020, in aid of BBC Children in Need. This half marathon is a fantastic opportunity for Paul and Bathroom Village to help raise funds for a worthy charity.

In preparation for the event, Paul will be undertaking rigorous training, and in all our Showrooms, you'll find Pudsey Money boxes where customers can make their contributions. Additionally, you can now donate through our Just Giving page.

On the day of the event, the excitement will kick off with Paul warming up at our Wellington Warehouse, which will be live-streamed on our Facebook page. This will provide an opportunity for customers, suppliers, and friends to watch and support Paul while also making their contributions. The half marathon will then take place along a pre-determined route in the Wellington area.

We are thrilled to be sharing this fundraising event with you and look forward to your support. Every donation, big or small, will make a difference, and we would like to express our gratitude in advance for your generosity.


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